Wendy Yacboski

25+ years ago, before becoming an ordained spiritually-based minister was a gleam in my eye, and a life of unlimited good was beyond my intellectual concept and desire, I was unexpectedly gifted with a copy of a “Science of Mind” magazine. At this turning point in my life, where I was daily yearning for a greater life in self-esteem and spiritual understanding, love, finances, health and work, I began to read this small book.  My greater life began to take form in that moment!

Reading through the Science of Mind magazine, cringing at the use of the word God – having had a painful relationship with an old idea of God as separate, judgemental, fickle and punishing – I began to see a new idea of God.  God was goodness Itself, and I, as an expression of God, was good, too.

Soon after, I moved to a city that had a Science of Mind Centre, started attending weekly services and classes, and began to build a new understanding and relationship with God – the Creative Principle & Supply back of all that is – myself and my world.

One thing I know for sure, God doesn’t make junk! Just look at nature; we aren’t separate from it. Each of us is essential in our world, AND we are supplied for all that is ours to do. Sometimes this is ‘the catch’, but more on that at another time. My passion is to help re-frame the old idea of God into a new idea of God, and build a new or even greater relationship with this inner Presence and Power, for the good of all. Life truly is good! Care to find out?

Through Speaking, Teaching & Facilitation in class format, in Spiritual Life Coaching, and through Ceremonies to Remember, I help you to recognize the built-in good of life, and to access and live the greater life that is available for you right now.


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