Renewal of Vows

Renewal of Vows ceremony prepared and performed by Reverend Wendy Yacboski of Vancouver, BC.
Is your marriage ready for a Renewal of Vows Ceremony?

Marriage offers each couple many opportunities to move forward, not only as a couple, but as individuals in their relationship for life. Ideally, a daily renewal of vows is extremely beneficial.

A private or public Renewal of Vows Ceremony takes place for a variety of purposes: support in a life challenge that is currently taking place… a celebration of having overcome challenges over a period of years… a celebration of a landmark number of years, i.e. ’25 or 50′ years of marriage; although, any number significant for you is reason enough for a vows renewal ceremony.

A reminder of what brought you together can re-invigorate and renew or rename the love that brought you together, and that you will take forward with you from this point.

I invite you to contact me any time to get started creating your personalized Renewal of Vows Ceremony:

(604) 831-7738


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